Introducing a unique way to buy and sell unwanted ladies clothing
We Too! is excited to be able to share with you, plans for an exclusive pop-up department store dedicated to buying and selling high-end items of ladies clothing.

Introducing ‘Repeat Boutique’ at the collABZ market, within Aberdeen’s Trinity Centre.
- Have you got a wardrobe of lovely items you no longer wear?
- Keep meaning to get them listed on Vinted or eBay but can’t be bothered?
- Put off by postal costs or silly offers on your expensive items?
- Don’t want to stand and haggle with people over a stall or car boot?
…then Repeat Boutique is for you!
We Too! volunteers will do all the selling for you, and, if you’re a seller or if you’re coming to buy, everything will be sorted by size on rails so no rummaging or moving from stall to stall!
You can drop off your items that you want to sell, at the price you want to sell at and volunteers will sort, check and market all your items for you on Saturday, 24th August with a sneaky sellers preview on the Friday night.
Any unsold items will be returned to you and your sales deposited into your bank account less your commission charges to We Too!
Sell your old clothes the easy way and support We Too! at the same time.
Repeat Boutique. It’s like Vinted, in real life!
For more head to the dedicated Repeat Boutique Facebook page.